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Day Two

Sustainability & Stewardship

Environment, Tech & Reproduction



We are all here at a critical period of Earth's development. Right now, we are at a crossroads of humanity.


Technology. Climate Change. Reproduction.


These are the three big things that will determine the future of life on Earth as habitable or inhumane. The inclination or gut reaction or impulse is to go faster, do more, push harder, compete, etc., but is that the solution?


These are the pretexts of war.




We need people who are conscious enough to be able to see the present and predict future outcomes or timelines based on humanity, not just numbers. The Human Experience is to live with love.


Love is the only thing that's real.


To love is to feel the Universe beating in your heart and to feel the chill of Source run up your spine and give you goosebumps on your arms.


That is to be alive.​



Cosmic Call To Action

The increase in tech and the fast-paced lifestyle of the West isn't sustainable long-term. We need a culture shift. A new paradigm - where technology complements and nurtures life and innovation that serves humanity, not harms it. 


We need everybody. We need people in all industries - corporate, financial, tech, medical, art, medicine, engineering, military, healing, the humanities and more to choose to live more consciously in harmony with Gaia's natural rhythm of the seasons.


We only have one Earth. The well can runneth dry if we do not all actively choose to raise our awareness and consciousness levels. This is not the 60s and it's not Y2K.


This is crunch time.

Holistic Harmony


Earth is our home planet. While some may be able to fly away, the rest of us can't or won't. How can everyone contribute to helping Mother Earth since she gives us all life and love.


It's an incredibly fast-paced time and industry to be in right now. AI is not human or capable of empathy. Is faster and fake better? What are the ethical ramifications?


Climate change. War. Children. Tech. Women. Men. What is the future worth if they destroy the present? Creation is superior to destruction when it comes to regenerating life everywhere.

Guided Meditation
Be with your Higher Self now.

00:00 / 13:02

Throat Chakra Healing
Tone and open your throat chakra with me.

00:00 / 26:32
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